Arlington VA Playgrounds Offer Endless Fun in Every Corner of The City

Parks are invaluable resources for parents and children, especially if you have added a subsequent newborn to the routine. The opportunity to get some fresh air and engage with your little ones can be a small blessing. Also, it can encourage the transition of a new sibling and new routine. Kids, regardless of age, go through many emotions when a new baby arrives. Some children are over the moon obsessed, some have worries, and some might be jealous and regress. It’s ALL completely normal! Arlington VA Playgrounds offer a safe and fun place for the whole family to grow and bond. 

So whether they play sports or use the playgrounds, a park date may be just what the family needs. But let’s face it, after having a baby, thinking of going to any of the Arlington VA Playgrounds, or anywhere really, may not be top of your tired mind. And that’s ok. Diapers, feedings, and caring for yourself and the family are your mind’s priority. So let me help you find the perfect park date location. Mom can stay home with the baby to rest and bond, while dad bonds with the older ones at the park. Or when mom feels healed and rested, dad can take baby duty while mom gets fresh air and time with her bigger kids. As a Northern Virginia family photographer, I’m often asked about local playgrounds that I love. So, I’ve rounded up some fantastic playground options to help make picking one easier on your new schedule. 

mom and dad swinging little boy in suspenders Arlington VA Playgrounds

5 Arlington VA Playgrounds

Quincy Park

Quincy Park has something for everyone, is pet friendly, and has free street parking. Key areas at Quincy Park include:

  • Areas for sports, restrooms
  • Sheltered picnic tables
  • Playground for the kids
  • Saucer swings
  • Colorful merry-go-round
  • Fun slides
  • Music section
  • Climbing areas

This playground is completely fenced in for safety and peace of mind. The park is next to the Central Library for extra fun at 1021 N Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22201.

Chestnut Hills Park

Located at 2807 N Harrison St. Arlington, VA 22207, Chestnut Hills Park is a shaded park designed with two full playgrounds, one being fenced in. Kids enjoy the winding paths, finding letters, numbers, shapes, and colors scattered throughout. Along with the challenge of the wavy climbing structures, the school bus and school house for imagination-play with peers, the slides, spinning equipment, music and sound area, and of course, the sand/water area. There are usually community toys left to be shared in the sand area so kids can have every play option with friends. There is also free parking along Harrison St, and restrooms are at the neighboring Greenbrier Park.

Long Bridge Park

Enjoy the open space of Long Bridge Park at 475 Long Bridge Dr. Arlington, VA 22202. You will have access to multiple high-quality sports and recreation facilities, walkways, aquatics and fitness centers, bathrooms, and two playgrounds. At the southern end of this Arlington VA Playground, you will find a preschool playground for ages 2-5 and one for ages 5-12. The favorite feature of Long Bridge is an interactive fog area. It is a pay-to-park location, but it is worth the fun.

Nelly Custis Park

This landscaped playground has inviting and open space for recreational play, picnic tables, climbing structures for adventurous kids, fun slides, and saucer swings to enjoy. Nelly Curtis Park also features large Oak Trees providing shaded areas to the playground. Right next to the playground is a garden featuring only natural Virginia plants. Not only is this park fun to play and explore, but it is also a beautiful place for kids.

Mosaic Park

Explore and enjoy the rain garden, spacious lawn area, multipurpose court, and interactive water features at Mosaic Park. This fun-filled Arlington playground can be found at 544 N Poland St. Arlington, VA 22203. They have a colorful climbing wall and engaging equipment for their play area. You can also take advantage of their picnic tables and free parking. The large splash is a summertime favorite for the kids day and night. It is lit from above and below by sustainable LED lights. The Virginia Recreation and Park Society awarded Mosaic Park the Best New Facility Award in 2020.

Mom and dad with their son and daughter laughing near columns

Have the Best Time At These Arlington VA Playgrounds!

A place outside the home for kids and parents to gather and meet friends or make new ones while getting restless energy out can be a blessing after a new baby arrives. The Arlington VA Parks offer a variety of activities and structures to encourage healthy social cues and development in risk and reward, as well as cause and effect skills through sensory and hands-on play. Kids not only learn but bond with others and engage deeper through play. Whether you join in on the games or watch and cheer on their successes with enthusiasm, it’s a moment you and the whole family can use to reassure that everyone is loved. You can find all these fantastic Arlington VA playgrounds, parks, and more at the Arlington VA website.

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